Food Intolerances - Up to 75% of all people may have some kind of sensitivity to certain foods
Apr 21, 2022
Fighting food intolerances
In our field of work, we come across many people who have suffered for years with food intolerances and this can have a huge impact on their personal and work life. In one such case, a young woman had constant stomach bloating, flatulence and bouts of diarrhoea that would last for weeks on end. She would visit the toilet up to 15 times in a single work day and often had to leave work as her stomach cramps were so bad she could not sit at her desk. As it turns out, she had food intolerances to wheat and MSG and once she removed these from her diet, her symptoms disappeared and she was once again able to function to her full capacity at work.
According to the Food Intolerance Institute of Australia, up to 75% of all people may have some kind of sensitivity to certain foods. So if an employee tells you they have regular headaches or migraines, stomach cramps, Chronic Fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, bloating or rashes, this could be a sign of food intolerance. But remember, food intolerances are very different from food allergies.
In the case of food allergies, the body produces chemicals such as histamines in response to a food that has been eaten. A person may experience wheezing, shortness of breath, a rash or in severe cases, an anaphylactic reaction such as swelling of the tongue and difficulty breathing almost immediately after a culprit food has been eaten. This can be life threatening if not treated immediately. Common foods that cause an allergic reaction include eggs, nuts, dairy, shellfish, wheat and soy.
People who have intolerances to food do not produce an immune response but a chemical response. However they can experience a range of debilitating physical symptoms – from mild to severe. Common foods that can cause intolerances include, wheat and dairy products, Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG), plus naturally occurring chemicals like amines and salicylates which are found in many everyday foods.
If stomach upsets are affecting the work performance of your employees, our informative health brochures, DVD’s and posters for the workplace may help identify this health issue and encourage staff to seek help. They cover a range of health topics such as coeliacs disease, lactose intolerance, food allergies and salicylate and amine sensitivity. Alternatively, one of our qualified staff can come and speak at your next staff meeting – the choice is yours.
Sources: Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Core Health Consulting